Update on free roaming (running) rhinos at Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary.
A group of rhinos is call a crash, and rightfully so. When you have a crash of rhinos running through the bush, you will know it, hear it and feel it as the earth trembles under your feet. At Care for Wild, the orphaned rhinos that are rescued go through a process of rehabilitation to prepare them for their future reintroduction back into the wild. And that future is happening now. The rhinos are introduced to a large nature reserve where they are kept safe by our rhino monitors and Anti-Poaching Units. An Intensive Protection Zone forms part of the reserve as a Rhino Stronghold where the orphaned rhinos roam and run freely. We would like to thank all of our loyal and generous sponsors helping us #rescue #rehabilitate #release and #protect these orphaned rhinos over the years. #careforwildrhinosanctuary #crash #rhino #crashofrhinos#conservation #wildlife #stoppoaching #endwildlifecrime#savetherhino #savethisrhino #wildandfree #safaris_into_kruger #nhongosafaris @natgeoau @natgeo @babyrhinorescueorg @konicaminoltasa @tracn4 @marcvanpelt_sa @swaindest @investec @in_trin_sic_insta @spiritwildlifefund @elevate_brand @klooftique @africanconservation @peace_4animals @councilofcontributors @onelandloveit @kp24 @mattwright @graemesmith49 @thisfilmstudio @Nhongosafaris