18 December 2015
Yesterday we
were joined by three more guests and they went on a Sundowner safari while we
were on afternoon drive. Apart from elephants close to the car they saw two
male lions close by as well as a lovely sunset.
This morning we
had a great game drive as we fulfilled the guests' wishes of seeing lions and
rhinos. We came across a lovely lion sighting with two lionesses snoozing close
to the road and one even got up and walked up to our car. We have also seen
multiple white rhino sightings which were a good opportunity for
But our highlight
was seeing the dung beetles. We had multiple sightings of these funny
creatures. First we encountered a male with a massive ball of dung pushing it
around with a female on top. However, he was going up hill and it wasn't going
too well. The grass was stubborn and he kept losing control and rolling back
down. After quite some encouraging from us though, he finally made it up the
hill and out of sight.
sighting was really up close as it flew into our windshield and then toppled
into the car. Being dazzed we had a good look and nursed it back to being
healthy enough to be put down on the ground on the side of the road. A little
while longer and it was flying again! Albeit it might still have a headache...
Our second
highlight was seeing 4 cheetahs. We stumbled upon them unexpectedly while mum
was leading her three older cubs. They were first walking to a shady spot where
they were lounging around. But restless they didn't lay down long and mum lead
her cubs down a drainage line. There she must have told them to stay put while
she went off hunting as she went off by herself. The cubs at first were
complying with mother's wishes and were snoozing under a tree. But soon the
energy got the better of them and the started playing. First on the spot and up
the tree but then they started chasing each other. Further and further away
they went from the spot where mum left them. But it was fun for us to watch!
Other interesting
sightings: blue wildebeests, lots of elephants, warthogs, zebras, speke's
hinged tortoise, impalas, a giraffe, kudus, steenboks, buffalos, waterbucks, a
stick insect crossing the road, hippos and crocodiles. Birds included white
storks, lots of tawny eagles, black chested snake eagles, white backed vulture,
white faced ducks, grey heron, white breasted cormorants and a black bellied
19 December 2015
If you are
unable to sleep while staying in the Kruger NP, there is lots of sounds around
you. Coming from a city some might sounds eerie, but I have been told all are
strange. Last night there were the calls of hyenas, a leopard, alarm calling
zebras as well as impalas snorting (maybe for the leopard, who knows!), a
spotted eagle owl, a southern white-faced owl and plenty of different frogs and
toads like the bubbling kassina and red toad.
This morning we
set of on a game drive which started off rather quiet. But even when animals
don't want to show themselves, there is always impalas. And around this time of
the year, impalas are fun and cute to watch as there are lots of lambs around!
Our highlight
was seeing two giraffes. We had seen giraffes the previous days, but on both
occasions it was just a floating head between the trees. This time, although
one was lying down, we managed to see the giraffe in full view. We could admire
the height as well as the coat patterns. She was just as curious to see us as
she came for a closer look.
Other interesting
sightings: elephants up close, kudus, a herd of buffalos as well as some lone
bulls, common reedbuck, common grey duikers, waterbucks and a slender mongoose
(although that was at the airport when dropping off the guests).